Tuesday, December 11th, 2001I’ve pared down the menu to your left, and added the Sev Trek Bluffy cartoon to my Buffy page. And the Buffy fic is almost done…almost.
I’ve pared down the menu to your left, and added the Sev Trek Bluffy cartoon to my Buffy page. And the Buffy fic is almost done…almost.
Dr. Deb is weakening on the Buffy front - I got to see the episode tonight instead of on tape-delay. I’ve just wasted the rest of the evening putting up an existent Buffy page, as well as doing a lot of web site tidying that you won’t even notice so why do I bother? For example, the filk is in html and technicolor now, but the latest scenes of my upcoming fic (working title: The Silent Movie of the Soul) are still stranded in my notebook.
And The Snake that Ate Sunnydale High isn’t even bouncing like he should. I hope that’s just Opera being fussy as usual. I’ll put it here to see if it will do the snakey-snakey when it’s not in the background:
Good snake! And yes, I know the snake didn’t really eat the high school - Giles blew it up. I miss Giles already.
A few hours after I said that B’Elanna had nothing to worry about I was already done with my first Buffy filk. Now I’m writing a real live fic, which started out as a vignette but acquired a plot this morning and is now…run, run - it’s growing!
The filk (of I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause) is up on my nonexistent Buffy page.
DQ Babes in the Mirror-Mirror Universe is finally finished. It could stand some improvement, but the Twelve Moons of JuPiter deadline is today, so it’s not getting any. It also didn’t come out as campy as the title implies - my apologies to Liz. Many thanks to Jade, my hostile beta who hates J/P even more than she hates C/7 but still read the thing and made helpful comments.
Crosswinds has been back in business for a few days now, so all those old links in the J/C Index should work again. There are other things on the site that want fixing, like the site map which is currently hidden in the error pages, which are themselves only accessible on Freeshell. Another day…
A new plot has been added to the Borg Plot Classification, #26: The Ghost of J/C Past. This fanfic convention appears to have been founded by Liz Barr in Accessory to Fanfic.
The official Borg Plot Classification is housed in the moribund JetCWiki, where you can find examples of each standard J/C fanfic plot. The C/7 version is at Wikifection, the center for all things C/7. I also keep (maintain would be too strong a word) both a J/C and a C/7 Borg Plot Classification of my stories.
The group is ready for members: zendom…fandom without the show. It’s a pure, new, innocent fandom. A koan will suffice as a fic contribution, or come and lurk and watch nothing happen, just like in a real fandom.
My apologies to Liz for filling her logs while trying to link her permalinks. There’s been an addition to the bitter maggot saga, namely, Liz is born again. As long as I’m stealing Liz’s content, I may as well steal the links, too: I adored the bitter old fic queen monologue. My last bitter maggot statement should be in just that form. Stay tuned…
Jade’s latest story, Bygones is up.
No one’s told me the secret location of ENT fandom yet. I’m waiting…
Site News: My two very short stories are done. I just posted If Ayn Rand Wrote ST:VOY to ASC - it’s a very, very late response to Lori’s If My Aunt from Minnesota Wrote ST Fanfic challenge - and Au Naturel, another C/7 episode addition (guess the episode) to the CSFic list.
My favorite If My Aunt… story was Mike’s If Minimum Wage Cashiers Wrote ST:DS9 (though his Shakespeare parody is a close second). The title is a bit baroque. I would have said, “If Trailer Trash Wrote DS9″, but maybe that’s offensive in other parts of the country. Maybe that’s offensive here, too, who knows?