Archive for the 'Miscellany' Category

BackBlog II

Thursday, October 24th, 2002

I’m feeling uninspired - or rather, drained after a rant on-list about condescension - so I’ll get to that backblog of material now.

First of all, I forgot to mention that it snowed yesterday. In Boston, on October 23rd. The leaves aren’t even properly turned yet and there was snow falling out of the sky in broad daylight. Yet people keep telling me it’s going to be a mild winter.

Second, on the very hot topic of whether the sniper in Washington, D.C. should be referred to as a sniper: yes. I know the real snipers are up in arms because the alleged sniper didn’t use proper military-issue sniping equipment or murder his victims from a sufficiently challenging distance, but you can’t pin this use of the term on the sniper media circus. The dictionary definition of sniping is to shoot at exposed individuals from a usually concealed point of vantage. He shot at people, they didn’t see him - ergo, sniper.

I forgot to mention the forums at NaNoWriMo. They reminded me how much I hate forums. A nice little flat-level forum, say, of the size of the J/C Index message board isn’t bad despite the trolls, but when you get into thousands of posts like at TrekBBS, who has time to follow it all? There are no trolls at NaNoWriMo, but still, a thousand people saying hi, a hundred random topics about novel genre - I can’t face it. I’d rather meet the people in person, though, unfortunately, I’ll be away this weekend so I won’t get to go to the Boston kick-off party.

Liz gave a 1 to 10 scale for ranking fic a while back. There’s a more accurate way to rank fic, though - put it all in order, from Revisionist History to Burning Thistles Amongst Thorns. The story’s score is the percentage of stories that are ranked beneath it. That’s how the SAT’s are scored (or at least, how they were scored before the grade inflation). Of course, a scanner doesn’t have to suffer through the bad fic.

There are simpler ways to do it. One could, for instance, take down the name and summary of every story posted to ASC in the course of a year, or every story in the J/C archive, then ask fans a binary question about the list - say, “Do you remember story X which was about Y?” Then rank the stories by the percentage of readers who remembered them, or remembered them fondly. Anyway, it could be done. People would scream bloody murder if you did it, but it could be done.

The new backblog list is:

  • The Jossing of Anya
  • Extreme measures in veterinary medicine
  • That the things I hate about Buffy are just like the things I hated about XF

As long as I’m here, I’ll add my rant on condescension:

Condescension means taking an air of superiority, or having a
patronizing attitude. It has nothing to do with the opinions being
voiced, and everything to do with the tone in which they are said.

Use of rhetorical rejoiners along with the other person’s first name
(”Is that what you really think, Lori?”) is a sure
sign of condescension. Of course
she really thinks so. Everyone means what they say, unless they’re
lying. Everyone is speaking their own opinion, unless they are lying.
These are the basics of conversation and they do not need to be repeated
every time someone posts an article or writes an email.

Let me be perfectly clear: it does not matter how stuck up you think a
person must have been to have said such-and-such a thing.
Having controversial beliefs, even beliefs about the general
stupidity of fans, is not in and of itself condescending. Thinking that
you’re the best thing since sliced bread is not condescending. Saying
“I’m the best thing since sliced bread; everyone should write exactly
like I do” is not condescending. Saying “P/T sucks - you should write
P/C” is not condescending. Only saying things like, “Don’t you think,
Lori, that we would all be better off, Lori, if you stopped diddling
around with Picard/Troi and started writing Picard/Crusher like the big
girls, Lori?” is condescending.

So stop it already.


Saturday, October 5th, 2002

A link from Jo: Star Wars Asciimation. I’m not sure why I found it so funny - maybe it was Leia’s ascii hair-buns.


Sunday, September 29th, 2002

I wish I had time to blog - instead, I’ll meta-blog.
Here are the things I would blog about, if I only had the time:

  • Jo has a blog!
  • The Consciousness Plague
  • The Man in the High Castle
  • Extreme measures in veterinary medicine
  • How to rank fanfic, a la

  • Why badfic isn’t so bad
  • That the things I hate about Buffy (Angel and the Master, mostly) are just
    like the things I hated about XF (the conspiracy arc)

  • J/C and Austen/Bronte, a la [name deleted to protect the innocent] from
    the C/7 list

Someday, I’ll blog it all!


Tuesday, September 10th, 2002

Inspired by both Seema and general exhaustion, I’m joining in the day of
blog silence tomorrow. It’s not because I need more time to watch the media
frenzy, or that I approve of media frenzy. I don’t have an anniversary blog
entry to cite, since I started blogging later in the month last September, and
only about sci-fi at first.

There just isn’t anything you can say about evil. No matter how much
media frenzy Americans whip up in our unique edutainment approach to coping,
and no matter how hard certain
non-Americans try to pin the whole thing on the victim, evil is an irreducible
thing. Neither ribbons nor excuses can make it disappear. Calling it boring is
not a deep statement on the banality of evil - saying they’ve been repeated too
often is just another attempt to evade the facts.

Evil doesn’t fade, though
it may be surpassed by fresh evils. Evil gains you, not a spot in heaven with
seventy-odd virgins, but a permanent place in the memory of man. Ignomy
is eternal. The
Spanish Inquisition didn’t kill all that many people (as a percentage of the
potential victim pool), but you recognized the term immediately, didn’t you? Five
hundred years haven’t been enough to rub that one out, so don’t bother
looking to forget evil just one year after the event.

(Yes, I know the Spanish Inquisition didn’t end formally until
1834, but that was
long after the heretic-roasting heyday upon which its reputation in Anglophone
countries rests.)


Tuesday, September 3rd, 2002

I always say that if you’re not part of the solution, then you must be
part of the precipitate. Paul Totman, rec.humor.funny

If the Eskimos have a thousand different words for “snow,” does this
mean the French have a thousand different words for “surrender?” K.
Banerjee, rec.humor.funny

For the Spatula

Wednesday, July 24th, 2002

Here’s a link for Veronica, compliments of Seema:

Save Martha!

No Time For Fic

Tuesday, May 21st, 2002

I envy Lori her new day off. Underemployment was the best thing that ever happened to my fic. I knew it was really bad when I started taking notes for The Wrong Novel and The Wrong Prequel during a meeting this morning - but when that elusive political situation finally resolves itself (more or less) in your mind, you have to write it down. It’s not like the muse is going to do this for me, wretched little filker that she is. (The muse is currently investigating the filking potential of hip-hop. Be afraid. Be kind of afraid.)

Now I’m going to bed, because the muse needs sleep. (It’s not really 10 p.m. - Moveable Type doesn’t seem to understand Daylight Savings Time.) The many bloggy things I’m behind on - Big Name Poet Shelley and his controversial views on the muse, importing my other blog to MT, wondering why Lori’s blog is the only one that I find things to say about these days, etc. - will have to wait another day, and then some.


Tuesday, February 26th, 2002


I’ve stumbled across some weird stuff in my search for more Legofic. I learned at LUGNET that I’m not the only one who considered the sunshine-yellow LEGOLAND Castle the apex of Lego. And though my soulmate geeks alone in their playstudios filming Legofic frighten me just a bit, the man who gets paid to build things out of Lego frightens me even more. Read the tale of how he got paid to make a desk out of Lego™ in those heady days of the California Silicon Rush. He also appears to be responsible for the Lego Bart Simpson I’m certain I’ve seen somewhere before.


Tuesday, February 26th, 2002


First there was fanfic, then litfic, then fanfanfic, then Real People Fic (perhaps not in that order). Now the pinnacle of the fic phenomenon, the final transition from the shackles of low literature to the freedom of high art, is upon us. Yes, folks, it’s Legofic, and it’s spreading. Long long ago, in a blog far, far away, I first became acquainted with Legofic on-line, in The Brick Testament. Yet, as clare reminded me recently, Legofic was my first fic. Knights in armor rescuing princesses from elaborate sunshine-yellow castles…the little plastic smiley-face that launched a thousand ships…the quest for space in tiny grey gliders I fear were never airtight… There is no fic like your first fic; there is no fic like Legofic.

The very latest in Legofic, the Earthlink Bulletin tells me, is The Lord of the Rings in Lego™ format. See Strider with his broken sword in the People section, and the behind-the-scenes, making of the Legofic shots among the Places. Story chapters already up include the moving scenes at The Bridge of Khazad-Dum.

Building Moria out of Lego (a lot of Lego) was one of the quixotic quests of my misspent youth, so I was curious to see the author’s Lego Moria. I find myself disagreeing with his Legartistic view of Khazad-Dum - my Moria was smoother and clearly multi-levelled, if unfortunately built mostly in red. (Primary colors were popular in those days.) There are many challenges to building the Black Pit, including filming angles, but it is not the artist’s place to make excuses. Unfortunately, Bruce’s production values are not quite up to the standards of The Brick Testament. Perhaps he has forgone strict realism for Legabstraction, but in painting and in Lego, I prefer the realistic approach. (No cubism puns, please.)

Bruce’s Lego Site contains much more than just LotR; among the scenes from literary masterpieces, you can see Khan’s line from Moby Dick. There’s a snowy Olympics scene and plenty of Lego background images to download. (You know I had to grab the sunshine yellow ones.) I’ll be on the lookout for more Legofic. If I ever have children, I may even start filming my own.

Jade passed along a related link: Little People, featuring Fisher Price figures for many shows, but no actual fic content.

An answer for Liz

Monday, November 19th, 2001

An answer for Liz: mostly it’s my job, but my weekend was also wiped out by a pilgrimage to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone with my sister and her fellow devotees.

Just for the sake of content, here’s my top five list of sci-fi/fantasy books, as posted to zendom:

  • The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien)
  • The Napoleon of Notting Hill (G. K. Chesterton)
  • Watership Down (Richard Adams)
  • Memory (Lois McMaster Bujold)
  • Till We Have Faces (C. S. Lewis)

Go forth and read…