Archive for January, 2005

Radioactive Jemima

Wednesday, January 19th, 2005

Both Drudge and NECN report that the FBI is looking for a dirty bomber in Boston. The bigwigs are hiding out in the bunker, but us plebes don’t have that option. If I fall behind on the blog, it may mean I’m busy glowing in the dark.

The End of the Beginning?

Tuesday, January 18th, 2005

/. quote of the day: Enterprise got quite a bit better the last two seasons, but it never actually got very good. In a lot of ways, it’s like watching a clumsy kid playing sports or President Bush giving a speech — you know they’re going to screw up, so each minute that they don’t is like a little victory. Given that, it’s hard for me to imagine that there are actually people looking to save the series. I mean, why?Skyshadow

There’s a lovely filk up at Slashdot, too, on the occasion of more Enterprise cancellation rumors.

More Mini Macs

Monday, January 17th, 2005

More cool mac links, of the miniature variety:

Mass Production

Sunday, January 16th, 2005

Take a look at this pretty picture from NiXLOG. Now there’s a mac for everyone, even the cheapskates.

Don’t Try This at Home

Saturday, January 15th, 2005

Birthday of the day: Happy Birthday, Seema! A LiveJournal outage isn’t much of a present, though. Next time ask for fic.

I got a baby crockpot (1.5 quarts) on sale at CVS. I searched the net for teeny-weeny crockpot recipes, and all I found was this Stepford Wife porridge recipe. But somewhere I did find the good advice to take a Big Crockpot recipe and cut it down for a Small Crockpot. Duh! That works pretty well.

There’s nothing like coming home to find that the little electronic wife has made you dinner!

Life in 2000

Friday, January 14th, 2005

Via Geek Press: Will Life Be Worth Living in 2000 AD?, an optimistic 1961 view of the future. About all we have off the list is the computers and TVs.

Among the Living: A Linkdump

Thursday, January 13th, 2005

Several of these cool links are from GeekPress.

Out from under…

Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

…my rock. I wasn’t watching my Firefox RSS feeds yesterday, and I totally missed the new Mac mini and iPod Shuffle. I had heard the rumors from Think Secret, though, so I wasn’t shocked by the headless iMac.


Tuesday, January 11th, 2005

The anti-spam checkbox seems to be working well, so I’ll give out the geeky instructions now. As mentioned earlier, this method was taken from This Chick. Since it does exactly what it appears to do, I’m not giving anything away by revealing the inner workings to the spammers. (The incest spammers already have it figured out.)



Monday, January 10th, 2005

Jade was having a rant, so I looked up some slang in the online etymology dictionary. It’s lots of fun. (Here’s the word in question.)