Let’s Mac
Here’s another Mac link dump. They’ve been piling up on my desktop.
- 43 Folders- More Moleskine Hacks - this isn’t actually a Mac link, but I have a Moleskine now that serves as my mac-away-from-the-mac.
- I got 101 problems but Apple ain’t one: 90% Crud on the history of Saving the Mac from Itself
- A neat new way to launch QS
- A Cocoa del.icio.us Client for Mac OS X
- DeskDoodle 1.1 - I tried this, but it was a bit flaky for my tastes.
- Yasu system maintenance software from Jim Mitchell Designs - Software
- Replacing System Graphics [MacGeekery]
- PerversionTracker reviews Faith Converter 1.2 (home page) - offensively funny.
- Tutorial- DVD Ripping and Ripping Redux from the Cult of Mac: more on ripping, for the criminally—I mean, educationally inclined.
- The Cult of Mac on shutting up QuickTime
- Those crazy Newton folks strike again!
- The True Story of Audion
- Introduction to the Apple Human Interface Guidelines
- I’d never do this, but apparently you can use Finder labels to find stuff [macosxhints]
- Use Apple’s screen saver images as desktop pictures [macosxhints]
- StevenF puts CandyBar in a Box
- And one last link for crazy people who want to run both PHP4 and PHP5 on their macs.