Comment Spam

I’ve been suffering from the latest epidemic of WordPress comment spam. Most of the spam was stopped for moderation, but it’s still annoying to have to go in and reject them all. I decided to skip most of the usual advice and move directly to
renaminng the wp-comment-post.php file.

Once the file is renamed, you just need to go in and replace the old filename with the new one in a few other WP files. The files I edited were:


I apologize in advance if anything breaks

Update: Well, it worked for one spammer, but now I seem to have picked up a new spammer, though this one isn’t quite as active.

Update: I’m also trying this hack to mass-delete comments, while I wait for the new, more spam-proof version of WordPress to come out.

2 Responses to “Comment Spam”

  1. Jemima Says:


  2. Jemima Says:

    Testing some more… I think it works.