The Sound of Sickbay

As a preface, I’d like to mention that this is all Liz’s fault.

Title:   The Sound of Sickbay
Author:  Jemima
Series:  VOY
Codes:   filk
Summary: Dead Again, the filk.
         Was: "The Sound of Silence."


Hello Doctor, my old friend -
Am I your patient once again?
Was there a mishap on the holodeck?
Did Chakotay my best shuttle wreck?
Do the implants the Borg planted in my brain
Still remain?
Another round in sickbay...

So tell me, Doctor, did I die?
Tell me, did Chakotay cry?
Once more victim of a paradox,
Or stranded on another class-D rock?
If my lungs were grabbed by a dying Vidiian bore
Find me two more
Lying around in sickbay.

Faux crew assembled in the mess -
A hundred fifty, more or less.
People made out of deuterium,
People melting, pandemonium,
People getting hitched, completely unaware
They had no prayer -
No help was found in sickbay.

"Fools," said Q, "you do not know
Life eternal's deathly slow.
From my future you could save me,
Q's Continuum enslaves me."
Mortal Q a cup of hemlock downs
With renown in sickbay.

And the crewmen still salute
Captain Janeway lying mute.
And the sensors shrieked their warning,
Of a wormhole swiftly forming.
And the Borg said, "The words of the Prophets
Are useless when the wormhole roils;
Try transwarp coils."
Expiring to the sounds of sickbay.

One Response to “The Sound of Sickbay”

  1. LizB Says:

    I deny all responsibility.

    But this is bloody amusing.