MoveableType, the Sequel

The minute, practically the second, I upgrade MoveableType, they come
out with a new version. Now I have to upgrade to 2.5, since I’m so
on top of things at the moment. Somehow, Bill of mt.el fame found my
post, despite it being only a day old, and freeshell being
down most of today. I haven’t even figured out this thready pinging
stuff yet, so that can’t be what led him here.

Anyway, for Bill’s information, I’m running Emacs for MacOS X, and I
built it from the CVS source just a few posts back. I assume that’s
why it didn’t have any packages installed. I’m not sure they’re all
that happy now that they are installed - emacs froze during my
“whoo-hoo” post last night. The post got through, but emacs never
returned to operation. Perhaps the problem was that I was re-editing
the post I’d just edited. Or perhaps the problem was the general
Carbon emacs problem with spawning subprocesses that I was hoping my
bleeding-edge emacs build would cure, but didn’t. Sigh.

That’s more geekiness than anyone wants to hear. I suppose I should
head over to the freeshell bulletin board and see what the downtime
was all about.

[P.S.] It was just a disk upgrade, and some good news: freeshell
is now tax-exempt.

[P.P.S] I almost forgot the Link of the Day: href="">Dive
into Accessibility, thirty days to HTML Correctness.

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