
Update: If you’re looking for information on Quizilla, your search engine has led you to the wrong place. Use Google next time. Quizilla is frequently down, so if you’re making a quiz, you might want to try an alternative like my Perl quiz script. —Jemima, 4 Aug 2004

What revolution are You?
Made by altern_active

Which Buffy Alter Ego Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which Buffy Episode Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Several of these are hosted by Quizilla, the new online quiz thing.

4 Responses to “Quizilla”

  1. Zeke Says:

    Now *that’s* on the nose! I’m Doublemeat Palace, and the blurb says some people find me funny but most just think I’m a boring waste of time. That works particularly well because I’m one of the few who did find DMP funny (and me, by extension).

  2. Eouen Phoenix Says:

    Um….that quizzie I took to see which revolution I am is wrong. On ALL accounts. I am my OWN revolution. I don’t do what people want or expect. I have sex, drink, smoke, do what I want when I want and talk to who I want when I want. I’m opinionated (obviously), and am loved for that. Your analysis is dead wrong, sorry. You might want to rethink your grading system when making quizzes.

  3. Jemima Says:

    I haven’t made any Quizilla quizzes.

  4. Anonymous Says:
