Harlequin Historicals

 Puppy: off
 Word of the day: abecedarian

Most recently, instead of Blue Mars, I read a Harlequin Historicals™ pseudo-Victorian romance novel I picked up off a junk pile at work. It felt like walking into an unfamiliar fanfic genre–though it would have made pretty good Jane Austen fanfic. (See The Derbyshire Writer’s Guild.)

Before that, I had sunk to reading the dictionary (a nice, red Merriam-Webster) for new, exotic words. That’s actually a pro-Blue Mars sentiment on my part–the author has a way of creating atmosphere with paragraphs of obscure geological (pardon me–areological) terms that no one could possibly know. It’s highly irritating, yet good filler nonetheless.

I was interrupted in the middle of this brog entry by yet another freeshell incident, but it all seems better now. Just to be safe, I’ll sign off while the wiki is in a favorable constellation…

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