© December 2000
Codes: J/C
Rating: PG
Series: Star Trek: Voyager
Rating: PG
Series: Star Trek: Voyager
Award: 1st Annual J/C Haiku Contest Crew Conspiracy (1st place)

Award: 1st Annual J/C Haiku Contest NC-17 (2nd place)

Award: 1st Annual J/C Haiku Contest Angst (2nd place)

1 (Humor)
A Q in your bed
Plus leola on a plate
Equals DQ laughs
2 (Crew Conspiracy)
"Tom, what's going on?"
"Nothing, B'Elanna, nothing."
"Then show me that PADD."
3 (Romance)
Moonlight and starlight
"I love you." "I love you, too."
Braga cut the scene
4 Prixin (Holiday)
Neelix in the morgue
His sister haunts the mess hall
DQ Holiday
5 (NC-17)
A Jeffries tube tryst -
The bio-neural gelpack
Needs counselling now.
6 (Action Adventure)
Hull breach on deck six!
Fire at will! glance at XO
Encounters in space
7 (Post Ep)
Ev'rybody's dead
Quick, hit the reset button!
Course: Oblivion.
8 (Angst)
Why oh why oh why?
Because. Protocols. Vulcans.
Sigh and sigh and sigh.
9 (AU)
Evil Chakotay
Janeway answers the clue phone
Must be an AU
10 (Mary Sue)
Perfect Chakotay
Janeway does what I would do
Hello, Mary Sue