By Jemima Pereira (
Fic series: Stargate by Drabbles
© September 2003
Rating: G
Season: season 3
Series: Stargate SG-1

A drabble coda to "Learning Curve."

No dough, no foul.

Thanks to Jerie for making it possible.

Merrin did not grow up to be a scientist.

She and Tomin were the first past Urrone children to venture out of their residence into the city. No one had suggested it, but the children were held in such high regard that no one stopped them. They wandered through old pyramids gazing at mosaics and carvings that the Orbanians had ignored for generations, even covered up in places like the stargate chamber.

When Merrin grew up, she carved bas-reliefs and laid mosaics. The past Urrone adults revived Teotihuacan art. Like artists everywhere, they found the public lacked their aesthetic judgment.