Where am I now?

"Chevron Seven...will not engage." (The Torment of Tantalus)

This newest addition to Jemima's Chevron is devoted to Stargate SG-1, the world's first recursive television show. You can find Jemima's fic, Stargate links and the Repository here under the SG-1 tab.

Fic and Filk

So far Jemima's Stargate fan fiction consists of the Stargate by Drabbles series, some longer fiction, one filk, and a Voyager crossover. A novel is in the works.

The Repository

If you can't spell a single Stargate term, you're not alone. Jemima has been struggling since Goa'uld, but she's decided to take back the alphabet with her own Stargate dictionary. But beware - only the spelling is to be trusted.

Spin the Stargate for a Link

Jemima's favorite links are listed below. For a longer link list, see the links page.


To be notified of updates to this site, sign up at Yahoo! Groups, send email to the address below, or just check the blog.

Feedback: jemimap23@gmail.com
Link: http://jemimap.ficml.org/sg1/ | Top